
"Tina (Tianwa) Li does a terrific job of decoding Chinese business culture and giving a nuanced approach, suitable for the current global environment. Able to understand China both from the inside and from a Western perspective, her handy and readable guide is full of insights into Chinese concepts, as well as practical real-life cases and stories".


 ------Michael Gates

Vice Chairman Richard Lewis Communications Associate Fellow of Saïd Business School, Oxford University

"Sehr geehrte Frau Li, vielen Dank, dass Sie den Workshop "Entschlüsselung der chinesischen Geschäftskultur" an unserer IHK gehalten haben.Die Teilnehmenden hatten unterschiedliche Berührungspunkte zu China und dementsprechend auch unterschiedliche Fragen und Probleme. Sie haben die Teilnehmenden durch Ihre vorbereiteten Übungen und die Themenwahl schnell in einen Austausch miteinander gebracht. Inhaltlich war der Workshop fundiert und durch die abwechslungsreichen Aufgabenstellungen, beispielsweise das Betrachen von Case Studies, wurden diese Inhalte auch gut übermittelt. Insgesamt waren wir sehr zufrieden mit dem Ablauf und den Resultaten des Workshops. Von den Teilnehmenden haben wir nach dem Workshop ebenfalls durchweg positive Rückmeldungen erhalten. Aus diesem Grund kann ich Sie als Vortragende herzlichst weiterempfehlen".


----- Rafael Pekmezovic, Industrie- und Handelskammer für die Pfalz

I am a professor with a wide experience -more than 15 years- in the field of intercultural and international communication and I have to say that meeting Tina Li was a personal and professional honor to me. I have used for my Chinese students some of her materials (very useful, critical and well-constructed) and they were very appreciated by them. Besides, Tina Li and myself are sharing some projects together because we both believe that our common experience and background could be an excellent combination to offer practical and theoretical orientation to our potential trainees abroad."


   ----- Prof. Dr. Natalia Fernández Díaz-Cabal, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

 I have been quite impressed from the beginning on about her perception on the cultural relevant contents and its key topics in the business sphere.  
   She gradually unfolds every dimension of the culture around us and especially explains its relevance in our daily lives. Her teaching is very interesting, intriguing and arouse the desire of students to actively participate by preparing in advance. They require from us to apply all the gathered cultural knowledge in order to develop our cognitive skills and analytical thinking. Thanks to her, I have learned  to think critically, to be tolerant of any kind culture, and first to understand the cultural diversity and its uniqueness, without making  fast conclusions, when cultural misunderstandings arise.


                                                                                                                                                                    ------ Blagovesta Pankova, Bulgaria

 Mrs Li was our lecturer for the “intercultural business skills” . I have learned a lot about how to work but furthermore how to communicate and interact with other cultures. Her class helped me to acquire more intercultural knowledge to be prepared for a working environment, where global trade is no longer important for major enterprises. Knowing about her cultural background it was interesting to hear about her experiences she has made living in England and now in Germany. Her classes were diversified and very interesting. Mrs Li is a very committed lecturer who is listening and responding to her students. What we learned was not for our classes, but for life and will help us whenever we get I touch with other cultures.

                                                                                                                                                                        ----- Nele Fechner, Germany

Wir vom International Office der Hochschule Geisenheim hatten Tina Li damit beauftragt, einen interkulturellen Workshop mit dem Titel „Survival Guide in Germany“ für unsere internationalen Studierenden zu halten. Dieser war sehr interaktiv und informativ gestaltet, sodass keine Langeweile aufkam. Da Frau Li bestens weiß, wie es ist, in einem fremden Land zu leben, konnte sie mit sehr viel Verständnis alle Fragen beantworten. Auch die Zusammenarbeit mit uns verlief reibungslos und Frau Li hat sich stets die Zeit genommen, unsere Wünsche zu berücksichtigen. Der nächste Workshop ist daher schon geplant“.


                                                                                          --------- International Office, Hochschule Geisenheim, Germany


 It was very nice visiting the workshop. It gave my new insights into the cultural awareness.

Since I also offer similar workshop about the Arab culture, I learned many things that I can use in workshops as well. Tina showed me how to critically think about my own culture and how to reflect on it.


                                                                                                                                                                              ----Dr. Moustafa Selim, Egypt.  

 Hi, Tina


It was a great workshop I have learned so much thank you for providing the information in such a nice way.


We are all happy to be given the chance to get to know you, to us you are a very friendly and open person – it is an enrichment to have gotten to know you.      

                                              -----Christina Lennerth, Head of Purchase, Germany

"Wir, meine Schwester und ich, hatten Frau Li mit der Frage aufgesucht, um herauszufinden, ob ein Familienkonflikt durch interkulturelle oder durch persönliche Schwierigkeiten entstanden war. Sie hörte aufmerksam und aktiv zu, stellte weiterführende Fragen und gab uns wertvolle erste Hinweise. Nach einer Bedenkzeit schrieb Sie uns ihre weiterführenden Gedanken zu unserem Thema auf.

Das Treffen war sehr informativ, hilfreich und entlastend. Sie ist kompetent und feinfühlig auf uns eingegangen und so konnten wir durch das Gespräch und ihre weiteren Gedanken unseren Familienkonflikt verstehen und mit anderen Augen betrachten. Für die kompetente Beratung danken wir Ihr ganz herzlich."


                                                                                                                                          ------- Ulrike und Christiane, Germany

"My experience with  Tina Li was more, than successful.  In three months of collaboration with Ms Li I  developed a good presentation skills in English. At the moment I continue to work with Ms Li and would like to say, if you appreciate your time and you need the professional coach, you have got the correct address with Ms Li!"


---------Ekaterina Prikhodlo, Russia

In Ms Li`s class I improved my English presentation  and spoken skills significantly. We talked about interesting topics and also learnt pronunciation, grammar and how to deliver an effective business presentation in English. If you like to improve your English presentation skills I can recommend Tina Li. She is a very good presentation trainer.  


-----------Franziska Gröhl, Germany